毎朝 顔を洗って歯をみがくように
手をのばし 身につける
それはまるで 呼吸しているかのように
ありのままの自分と 日常の光景に
色や音 湿度 匂い
出会う人や もの 言葉 縁
いつも いつまでも
At the beginning of each day,I wake up, wash my face and brush my teeth.Then I reach out to touch it and wear it. It is like natural manner of behaving.Something like breathing.It fits in your daily sight. It fits in yourself. Colors, sounds, moisture, aroma,materials, words, and nature...
Something and someone you see in daily life. The sense of existence invisible to the eyes.It alters shapes you can wear comfortably. It cuddles up to you.Always and forever.
Light – unconsciousness mind and purity –
Keiko Kawakatsu / 川勝 慶子
< 所在地 >
601-1123 京都市左京区静市市原町163-9 游草 Lump showroom
< stockist >
京都 / STARDUSThttps://stardust.official.ec
東京 / Parkhttps://thisispark.jp
大分 / scene https://www.scene-yamaga.com
中国 / 有栖安哲 https://www.instagram.com/arisuanze/